Group structure: a three-years basic course

Certainly we can say that we all feel at the beginning of a new era founded on fidelity to the ancient heritage, that opens upon wonders of real spiritual progress” (John XXIII).

A new season of spiritual experimentation

The Groups start with a three-year basic course that is called ‘Peace-Path’ articulated in 12/13 regular meetings throughout the year, each lasting about 2-3 hours and an intensive course in the end of the year (all together lasting about 50 hours).
All three groups, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year can be followed in person or online.

In these three years, we examine and rediscover all the fundamental passages, from our ego-centered self to our new humanity, the passages that every one of us is called to live every day in the tiring pilgrimage towards final liberation.
So we work on the ‘heart’, because it is only from the heart’s transformation can an action come about that’s not alienating and destructive.

Those who are very active and think that they are embracing the world with their preaching and with their external works should remember that they would benefit the church much more and would be accepted by the God much more, let alone speak of the good example they’d give, if they spent at least half of their time with Him in prayer. Certainly then, with less effort, they would obtain more with just one work than with one thousand, simple through the merit of their prayer and through the spiritual strength gained in prayer. Otherwise, everything will come down to the pounding of a hammer in vain and doing little to nothing, and sometimes doing nothing at all or even doing harm” (Saint John of the Cross).

The essential contents of the three-year course are:

The Cultural level:
The anthropological turning point and its characteristics in this time of globalization
The modern era and the XX century as phases of the preparation for the turning point in progress
The renewing of historical Christianity

Psychological level:
Our soul is not unified
Family genesis and the structure of my self-centered self
The emotional states of division: fear and anger
The originating schism and its underlying despair
From ‘myself-in-conversion to ‘myself-in-relation’: an act of faith
Behind my ego-perfectionist there is the shadow of a rebel
Extracting from the shadow its light
The spiritual characteristics of my True-Self
Love I still haven’t expressed: my mission

Spiritual level:
Concentration of the mind and interior consciousness
Meditation as a practice of auto-observation
Meditation as switching-off of the ego
Learning how to die, learning how to be born
Death and faith: the mystery of Baptism
The mystery of Maria: my immaculate birth
‘Myself-in-Christ’ grows from ‘myself-in-relation’: listening and rebirth
Contemplative experience of the mysteries of salvation
Therapeutic and revolutionary characteristics of my ‘Messiah-self’.